A: Taken at face value, civil rights are those rights that a person should be recognized to possess simply because he or she is a citizen. Christians should welcome the recognition of civil rights, understanding that the very notion of such rights is based on a Christian worldview and the affirmation that every human being is made in God’s image, and therefore possesses dignity and certain essential rights.
The key question we must face is this: Does recognition of civil rights for all people require the normalization of homosexuality and the legalization of same-sex marriage?
At this point Christians have to think very carefully. We do not want to deny anyone his or her civil rights. To do so would not only violate the Constitution but also deny the rights that are granted, not by the government, but by the Creator. But is same-sex marriage such a right? The answer to that question must be no.
Keep reading our answer to learn more about “wrong rights” in this special sneak peak from Answers magazine.
Source: AnswersInGenesis.org