We are so thankful that you have visited our website and our genuine desire and hope is that you catch the vision for Miramar Evangelical Free Church (MEFC) and that you will be our guest.
First, let us describe who we are. MEFC is a multi-cultural, Christ-exalting, Bible-based, andlove-bound church. We are a group of believers seeking to glorify God in all our endeavors. We are endeared to four essentials that we pursue excellence in: preaching God’s Word with power, passion, and precision, actively building our evangelism/discipleship model to procure fruit that remains, building genuine relationships through warm fellowship, and establishing a leadership development strategy in order to equip and train the next generation.
Secondly, we intend to do this by being faithful to our clear sense of purpose and direction. We would like for MEFC to release its members to do effective ministry pursuing our mission and strategy. Each member is a minister.
Lastly, our vision is to see MEFC grow and multiply into a thriving, effective, and healthy church. We see ourselves effectively reaching the community. Our goal or target is based on our mission statement, “The mission of the MEFC is to act as a tool of the Holy Spiritin transforming ordinary people into fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.” Our strategy is to grow people into mature believers by strategically planning and implementing ministries in four areas of the New Testament church—Acts 2:42-47.
We seek to grow our people through our ministries based on our four W’s: Word, Warmth,Worship, and Witness (this is our strategy and every ministry is evaluated by these). We attempt to be effective in the exposition of God’s Word, grow intimate through warm fellowship, magnify and glorify our Great God through uplifting worship, and multiplying through obeying the great commission which is extending the gospel message by witnessing. These four W’s incorporate our strategy.
As you can see, each one of us is pursuing to “act as a tool of the Holy Spirit in transforming ordinary people into fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.” In other words, each one of us is committed to seeing and experiencing the transforming power of the Holy Spirit unleashed in us and into the lives of those we touch. We hope you are by now experiencing and feeling our heartbeat.
Thank you for such a great privilege, honor, and opportunity to share our vision with you and we hope you would visit us.