“When we call things holy when they are not holy, we commit the sin of idolatry. We give to common things the respect, awe, worship, and adoration that belong only to God. To worship the creature instead of the Creator is the essence of idolatry.” (RC Sproul, “The Holiness of God,” p.55) Have you ever given it much thought as to how much you and your family watch TV? Have you ever given it much thought as to how much time you spend on the telephone/cell? Have you ever given it much thought as to much time you spend shopping? Have you ever given it much thought as to how much time your thoughts revolve around earthly things? Have you ever given it much thought as to how often you entertain yourself and your family? These are but a few time consuming activities that may define where your heart is. Do you love money and find yourself thinking about it often? Do you love your boyfriend/girlfriend, spouse, or relative so much that you find yourself absorbed by the thought of them often? Do you love your job/carreer so much that your hours and minutes are consumed by it? When was the last time you reviewed these things in your life in light of your spiritual growth? Have you done any spiritual inventory? Ask yourself these questions and if you answered “no” to any of these questions, then begin to pray as to what you are going to do about it. If you answered “no” on several questions, then your spiritual life is in need of an overhaul and maybe much more, it is in peril. Do you spend more than an hour in meaningful prayer in a week?Do you spend more than an hour reading your Bible in one week? Do you study God’s Word and meditate on what you study?Did you use your gift to serve the body at least once during the week?Did you go over the week’s sermon and searched the Scripture for comprehension?Do you write notes when listening to the sermon to assist you in understanding?Do you worship God through the week on your own? My beloved friend, if these things seem to elude you with a consistent pattern then ask God to help you make Him first in your life. TV, phone, and other sources may be squeezing your priorities out, therefore. Ask God for help to change this. May God bless you.