Hi everyone, If you have not made your new year’s resolutions, make this one yours. This is good advice from Tim Challies, author of “The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment.” Get the book!!! Why do you think reading is important? What has led you to make it a priority in your life? “I regard reading as a critical component of my spiritual life. I read many books devotionally, finding in them important explanations and applications of portions of the Bible. While I sometimes have to guard myself against treating books as Scripture, I do find that they can do a wonderful job of supplementing and enhancing my reading of Scripture. Of course books can also be destructive when they are not chosen carefully and read with discernment and this is one of the motivating forces behind Discerning Reader.”—This excerpt is taken from someone who interviewed him. Readers are leaders!! Suggested reading for this year: The Pursuit of Holiness–Jerry Bridges; The Holiness of God–RC Sproul; Decision Making God’s Way–Gary Meadors; Evangelicalism Divided–Iain Murray; The Knowledge of the Holy–AW Tozer; Tell the Truth–Will Metzger; Knowing God–JI Packer; Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God–JI Packer; Famine in the Land–Steven Lawson; The Pursuit of God–AW Tozer;EM Bounds on Prayer;The Cost of Discipleship–Dietrich Bonhoeffer; Liberating Ministry from the Success Syndrome–R Kent Hughes; Intimacy with the Almighty–Chuck Swindoll; Valley of Vision–A Collection of Puritan Prayers and Devotions–Arthur Benett; The Vanishing Conscious–John Macarthur; Living by the Book–Howard Hendricks; Basic Bible Interpretation–Roy Zuck; The Soul Winner–CH Spurgeon; The Seven Laws of Teaching–John Milton Gregory;The Excellent Wife–Martha Peace;A Woman after God’s Own Heart–Elizabeth George;Lies Women Believe–Nancy Leigh Demoss;Mere Christianity–CS Lewis; For more in-depths reading: Revival and Revivalism–Iain Murray;The Forgotten Spurgeon–Iain Murray;Lectures to my Students–CH Spurgeon; Understanding End-Times Prophecy–Paul Benware; These are just a few of highly recommended books. If you read these books you are in good company: John Macarthur, Chuck Swindol, and others have read them, and these books, have become favorites of them. John Wesley, “Either read or get out of the ministry” as he told his students. Let’s heed to this admonishment!! Many wonderful blessings this year as you quietly sit under the Florida sunshine enjoying and being captivated by your book reading.