“Christians quite often live out their lives in personal pain, with unresolved problems and in terribly unfair situations. Prophecy reminds us of the goodness of God by showing that He has written the final chapter on the human condition, which presently includes suffering and pain. If this life and this world were all there was, or the best we had coming, we might rightly challenge the idea that God is good and loving. Prophecy reveals with crystal clarity that the ending of the story is good for the children of God. And it is a kind of good that really cannot fathom. The apostle Paul, who endured incredible adversity, suffering, and trouble proclaimed without any reservation, ‘I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us’” (Rom. 8:19) (Paul Beware, “Understanding End Times Prophecy,” Chicago: Moody Press, p.12)
One thing is for certain suffering and pain is all around us. We are subject to it like the sun’s rays. We cannot elude this human trademark. If you were born, then you are not immune to disease, pain, suffering, or trouble. You will succumb to one of these sooner or later! However, the issue is not whether we will experience adversity or not, but whether we respond to it correctly. If we know that God ultimately controls everything with an exhaustive meticulous providence then we will be more likely to submit under his care. This is because we know that God has either directly or indirectly disposed everything in our lives for a purpose. His providence includes every detail of our lives. He knows what trouble we are going through due to the fact that he may have caused the events to unfold for our good.
Not only is God in control of everything but He also has the last word. He will not be left with nothing to say in the end of the day. He will certainly complete this chapter of human history. He will certainly finish what He started. So don’t fret, don’t lay in anguish, don’t complain, don’t murmur, and don’t worry because God knows your every problem. Stand with God in your good times as well as in your bad times.