Posts from 2010

110 of 16 items

God, Creator and Ruler

by Admin

Passages: Genesis 1:1, John 1:1-3, Hebrews 11:3, 6 “We might even put the creation theology this way: to create is to own, to own is to possess inherent rights to rule, and to rule manifests God’s absolute claims upon the whole of what he has made…Therefore, his rulership rights are universal, absolute, uncontested, and uncontestable. […]

Your Will or The Sovereignty of God? To those I cc’d to encourage

by Admin

This is a perfect example of the debate between God’s Sovereignty and human responsibility (or man’s will)! In fact, the writer (all see below book and excerpt from the book) from the outset assumes free-will! In other words, our wills are they to be understood as absolutely free or are they to be understood as […]

How did catholic priests come up with the idea of not being married? It was obviously something they chose themselves but for what?….less of a temptation and more unity with God?

by Admin

There are various reasons why Catholic priests and the Roman Catholic church chose to require priests to be celibate. But, for the sake of brevity there are secular (historical factors) and supposed sacred reasons. You are correct in stating that there seems to be a misleading idea that you can be more spiritual and therefore […]

Recommended Reading, Discipleship for a lifetime

by Walter

This list is always changing so check back periodically for new listings. STUDY BIBLES John MacArthur Study Bible (NKJV) John MacArthur BIBLE COMMENTARIES The Bible Knowledge Commentary (2 Vols.) Walvoord & Zuck SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY Evangelical Theology (Introductory) Robert Lightner Introducing Christian Doctrine (Intermediate) Millard Erickson Christian Theology (Advanced) Millard Erickson LIVING THE CHRISTIAN LIFE The Pursuit […]

God is in control

by Admin

“Christians quite often live out their lives in personal pain, with unresolved problems and in terribly unfair situations. Prophecy reminds us of the goodness of God by showing that He has written the final chapter on the human condition, which presently includes suffering and pain. If this life and this world were all there was, […]

Head and Heart are indivisible

by Admin

“Scripture makes both doctrine and experience essential elements in healthy Christianity. An authentic experience of God’s truth always issues from the fountainhead of His revealed Word.”(Richard Mayhue, “Divine Healing Today,” [Moody Press: Chicago, 1983] p.12) Doctrine and experience are not mutually exclusive. In other words, the head or the intellect is not inimical to the heart […]

Discernment over and against dullness

by Admin

“Discernment is not a matter of simply telling the difference between what is right and wrong; rather, it is the difference between right and almost right”  (from Charles Spurgeon, as quoted from Tim Challies’ book, The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment) I believe that it is doubtless true that discernment, spiritual discernment that is, is very […]

Learning is not an option but our vanguard

by Admin

“Today, after 2,000 years, Christianity is the faith, at least nominally, of one-third of the earth’s population…Surely one of the more remarkable aspects of Christianity today is how few of these professed believers have ever seriously studied the history of their religion…Should we really be surprised, then, when today’s Christian so frequently blends gross errors […]

Real worship accept no substitutions

by Admin

“Jesus was born of a virgin, suffered under Pontius Pilate, died on the cross and rose from the grave to make worshipers out of rebels!…I am of the opinion that we should not be concerned about working for God until we have learned the meaning and delight of worshiping Him…God is trying to call us […]

Shallowness of godliness is not commendable

by Admin

“I say, then, in the first place, that a scriptural view of sin is one of the best antidotes to that vague, dim, misty, hazy kind of theology which is so painfully current in the present age. It is vain to shut our eyes to the fact that there is a vast quantity of so-called Christianity […]